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Purpose and meaning

Our guest blogger this week is Pepper de Callier, founder and executive director of Prague Leadership Institute. Pepper de Callier is a bestselling author of three books on leadership and personal development, newspaper columnist, senior-executive coach, and Founder and Executive Director of Prague Leadership Institute. He was voted Top Corporate Leadership Coach in Europe—2015 by London-based AI Media.

He publishes his weekly column Things to think about. “The happiest people tackle the most difficult problems. Don't take it easy; find purpose and meaning.” Rosabeth Moss Kanter What a wonderful way to put happiness into perspective. Think about it for a moment, what professor Kanter is talking about is deriving happiness from demonstrating competence—competence in dealing with significant challenges in life. Anyone can do the easy stuff. It’s overcoming challenges that build confidence from demonstrating competence and provides a solid foundation for happiness. And, the wonderful thing about it is, it was earned and it feels deserved.

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