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A Human and Planet Centred Approach 
to innovate and thrive

Academy of Design Thinking

Academy of Design Thinking (ADT) helps companies create the capability of Design Thinking Innovation and Storytelling for Business Success,  through Training, Coaching and Consultancy  All programmes award certificates by IOEE recognised in UK and internationally.              

Designers Looking at the Computer

Let ADT help you build
your innovation and storytelling muscles.
We are here to help!

Ever wonder what Design Thinking is? 
Watch the video!

Design Thinking + Agile + Storytelling

design thinking

ADT has delivered programmes since 2009  in UK, The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Germany, Albania, India, China, Nigeria, Singapore, with thousands of participants from more than 100 global companies, from various industries, helping them create their signatory Design Thinking process, training trainers and scale the capability organisation wide.

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